Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 6

I had a really hard time understanding discourse and discourse analysis. Even after I read Bloome's piece, I still could not come up with a clear, specific definition. So I hope what I came up with is at least somewhat right!

I do not think there is one definition for discourse analysis. From the chapter, Bloome describes it as a the way we use and explore language in various literacy events. Discourse is also linked to texts, fasce-to-face interaction, and the structure of social institutions.

There are two levels in discourse called micro and macro. Micro levels approaches discourse with a more face-to-face interactions, the immediate situation, and local events. While on the other hand, Macro levels approach discourse with a emphasis on broad social, cultural, and political processes.

Another approach to trying to define discourse, you can use it as a noun or a verb. There are four definitions of disourse as a noun  that inlcude text, language-in-use, identity, and as truth, rationality, and common sense. As a verb, it become the action that a person or group take with others.

Even after writing my blog I still have still blurry spots abput discourse and discourse analysis. It seeems to be such a broad topic that there cannot be one definition to expalin the entire concept. It may be useful as a research method because as a future teacher, it could help me help a student who has a difficult time expressing themselves with me, peers, and even their parents.

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