Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog 4

My Three Research Projects
      As a future teacher, I wanted to center my three research topics on children. There are so many new and interesting research about children that teachers should be aware of. The different aspects of our society is changing the way young children see and view people have the environment around them. So, I think the more I can learn about things going on within our community can help me understand my students on a higher level.

1.) The Media and young children
  Focus: For my first research project, my focus would be to research how much does the media (TV, radio, internet, magazines ect.) play a role in a child's developmental skills. As we all know the media has become a major part of our society. We are bound to find out about the latest break-ups, make-ups, fashion hits and fashion flops just about anywhere we turn. However, how are the actions of these celebrities affecting our youth? Also, is the effects negative or positive?

Where? I am not exactly sure what this means, but I would do the research where children are surrounding by the media. It may be at someone's house while the children are watching TV, or in a computer lab where children are able to search the internet, or even in a classroom setting before the beginning of class. As I recall from my elementary days, children have the best conversations with there peers right before the teacher walks in!!

When? I would try to do my research when children are able to have play time or free time. I think observing children in a setting where they are able to watch or do as they please would be the best way to see how they react tp any rype of media. For example, observing children when they are allowed "TV time" at home would be a great way to see what they choose to watch anf how they respond to it. I think if I did my research during classroom instructions or at a time when he or she has to get their homework done, would not give me the most accurate results. I only say this because at those particular times children are suppose to be focused on a certain subject or topic.

How? The methods I would use to go about my reserach would be ethnography, interviewing (parents, teachers, and children), and visual analysis. I chose these three methods because for this particular topic I think one of the best ways to obtain the research needed is to observe, then, analyze, and finally draw conclusions. I can interview parents and teacher and get there opinions on the media and how it effects children. Also, interview children and get their take on what they think about media.

2.) Reading to children at a young age.

        Focus: The focus of my second research project would be how important is it for children to be read to at a young ag? There are so many different kinds of families in our society, each with their own uniques characteristics and values. There are some parents who read to their chidlren even before they are born, and other who just wait until their children start school to introduce books and reading to them. My main focus question would be does reading to children from a young age help develop childrens' reading skills?

       Where? I would do my research in more than one family's home where there is both young children and parents. Also, I think a classroom setting would be another good place to conduct my research. I am not too sure where else would be a good place to do research for this particular topic so far.

     When? I think during the school year when children get a lot of reading assignments would be a good time. Also, before bedtime when children are getting to go bed would also be a good time. I chose the secone one because bedtime is usually when parents can have one-on-one time with their child, some choose to spend this reading to their children while other choose to do other things.

    How? The methods I would use to do my research would once again be ethnography, visual analysis, and especially interviewing. I would interview parents who read to their children when they were little vs. parents who did not read to their children when they were little. I would also interview parents who were not read to when they were little, but chose to read to their own children vs. parents who were read to when they were little, but chose not to read to their own children. Finally, I would interview teachers that know parents spend time reading with their children vs. teachers that know parents do not spend enought time reading with their children.

3.) Homework and young children
        Focus: The focus for my third research project would be how effective is homework for children on a daily basis? There are many people who say that homework is not necessary everyday, but rather on a weekly basis, while others believe that homework is vital on a daily basis especially for younger children.

      Where? I would definitely do my research in a classroom and at the homes of students. I would observe students throughout the day at school during their lessons, then go to some of their homes and see how well they do the homework, and then go back to the classroom the following day to see how well the student was able to retain the material.

     When? I would condcut my research during the school year, since that is when children would probably get the most homework.

      How? The methods I would use for this research project would be ethnography, interview, and visual analysis. Interviewing both teachers and parents as well as children would be a great way to get responses from those who are mostly involved in dealing with homework.

1.) I know I chose the same three methods for all three research methods, is there any other methods that I could use that would be just as effective?

2.) How long would I have to conduct my research for in order to get accurate results?

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