Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog 12

DISCOURSE Analysis Essay notes:

Topic: So I have narrowed my topic ideas and believe that I have come up with a reasonable and hopefully on the right track of what Dr. Chandler is looking for.
  • A"s unawareness of the dangers of the internet put her at risk with the unsafe parts of chat rooms.
  • It is important that young children have someone who is knowledgeable about the "online world" such as a parent of friend to monitor and teach them the dangers of the internet.
Points from transcript that I will focus on:

  • A's chat room experience with the pedophile.
  • A's parents not knowing much about the internet.
  • A's experience made her very cautious and made her monitor her sister use when they were older.
  • A's chat room experience with the pastor's son.
  • The pastor's son acting like a parent figure, questioning the girls online safety.
This is what I've come up with so far......I will begin to write my introduction and see where I get with my paper.

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